Data object & Data store
Data Object
The Data Object reference Element is used to represent a data object of any kind, for example, a variable declared within the Process.
Data Store
The Data Store reference Element is used to represent a data store of any kind, for example, a database or a table of a database
Example of the usage
In the example Process above, the database is being referred to with the Data Store reference Element labeled 'database A', and the data parsing Task after it is referred to as 'object'. Using this kind of documentation makes the data handled in a Process easier to read and understand.
Ultimately, it is up to the developer or development practices to decide how the Data Object reference Element or Data Store reference Element is used for the best documentation.
One limitation with Data Object reference Element and Data Store reference Element is that they cannot be linked to Decision Elements.
The next article is How to use Example on How to use Text annotation and Groups.