Various Frends integration catalogues and the Centralized Variable Management offer the user insights on the different dependencies created between integrations and systems.
The goal with Dependency Management is to provide the user or admin with tools to find out which integrations are dependant on each other and for example which integrations are connecting to which endpoint in every system.
System and Integration Endpoint Dependencies
You can access the dependencies of integrations towards systems through the Central Variable Management functionality:
This allows you to see all integration processes and API's currently using the selected Enviornment Variable. You can use this functionality, for exampl, to find out what integrations are connecting to which system and where they are currently deployed.
Main Integration Catalogue
You can also navigate the main integration catalogue and search the catalogue to find integration processes or API's which are using either:
Specific frends Subprocesses
Specific frends business data types such as Order messages
Specific Connectors or Tasks used in integrations
and much more.
This allows you to for example find which integrations are processing which sort of data and what other integrations are dependant on that data.