Testing your Task
The Task testing feature is useful for developers to test their newly added or changed Task without creating a new version of the Process. This feature makes Process development easier and faster, especially when trying to determine the optimal parameters for a Task. To use this feature, you need to enable the 'Allow running test processes' option in the Agent Groups Advanced settings, and the Process must be deployed to an Agent Group with at least one Agent running Processes.
You can access the Task test functionality by clicking on the "Test" button on the top right corner of the Process Editor or by starting the test from the Task itself. To start the test and use parameters that are already set to the Task, open the 'Show advanced settings' from the Task Parameter Editor and select 'Create new test'.
The Test Panel will display all the parameters and results for the current test execution under the 'Result' tab. Note that only the most recent test results will be shown, and previous test executions cannot be retrieved. While it's not possible to reference previous steps or variables using #var or #result, Environment Variables can be retrieved using the #env reference.
The next article is Example on Adding and Configuring your second Task